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Government Applications For Storage Units

Local governments are responsible for a vast range of services and provisions for the people living in their constituency. In England alone, the government is responsible for over 800 different services to local communities.

From storage to health care, storage units can provide effective solutions to a wide range of government applications.

Housing The Homeless

The UK has a housing issue, and local councils must tackle the problem by providing safe housing for those who need it. One solution for government bodies looking at ways to provide shelter for homeless people is to use converted units.

Steel prefabricated storage can be readily converted for people to live in. As it is designed to transport cargo around the globe, it is naturally strong and sturdy making it a suitable structure to build accommodation inside. With interior lining, windows and a personnel door, a unit can easily be transformed into a comfortable temporary living space. Utilities can be added too, so occupants have access to running water and electricity.

Offering the chance for people to get off the streets and into housing is important, and converting these into a living space offers decent, cost-effective accommodation for those who need it. Homelessness can become a vicious cycle, and being without a permanent address can seriously hinder the chances of employment. Providing accommodation for homeless people improves their wellbeing and gives them a vital chance to find work, hopefully then leading on to more permanent housing.

Temporary Storage

From roadside equipment to outdoor Christmas decorations, it’s likely that most councils will need storage solutions for a variety of items. Storage requirements can change frequently throughout the course of the year and often councils find themselves wasting valuable floor space in their buildings for temporary storage. With this in mind, cargo units offer a perfect temporary external storage solution for government applications.

Hiring a unit can prove a flexible, cost-effective option for local government. They are water tight and will protect items from outdoor elements. Thanks to their intended purpose, units are strong and secure, and can be fitted with lock boxes to improve security.

At S Jones Containers, we offer both long-term and short-term hire leases so you can rent the unit for as long as you need it. They can also be delivered and collected from a location of your choice – our expert team can talk you through the rental process so it’s as hassle-free as possible!

Pop-Up Vaccination Centres

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s clear that there is a need for pop-up medical centres for testing, treating patients and offering vaccines to people. Pop-up vaccination centres, for example, are appearing all over the UK including at music events, festivals and markets to encourage people to take the Covid-19 vaccines.

Storage units can be readily converted for medical use and are ideally suited to be modified into temporary medical clinics. They can be adapted using lined walls and ceilings for hygiene, a clinical floor, plus any electrical or running water supply that is required for use.

A pop-up vaccine or medical centre needs, as the name suggests, to be mobile so it can ‘pop-up’ at temporary locations as and when required. Portable units were designed to be easily moved which makes them a great choice. Applications can be moved by crane, forklift or on a tilted bed trailer. As long as the ground they will be placed on is suitable, a pop-up vaccination centre can be an ideal solution for local councils looking to provide this service to their constituents.

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